pick34pitbull I would be rich if I played online but it is what it is. Hope some of y'all online players caught it, if not it's ok, plenty more chances to come.

pick34pitbull Yes!!! i CAUGHT it ....I only play pick4 straights! and luckily since u only posted one number...Thats 17.5$ a day to play all states , all draws.

i put 100$ to play for 5 days ...

2250$ for the win!! Thank you pick34pitbull! I am still waiting on the 1661,1616 series and VTRac 2222.

So i will use this win $$ towards those wagers

pick34pitbull that's pretty dope how you predicted one p4 straight!! Impressive af!! Congrats even tho you didn't play, at least someone was blessed with it

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