Pity....that guy wasn't paying attention to all the people who were around him waiting to pounce upon him for his winnings. He should have done like they suggested in the article and get security to walk him out to his vehicle before he left the casino. Have to treat everyone as a suspect these days when it comes on to handling large cache of cash in the public.
A quick story. A few years ago i won around $550 in a Pick 3 draw and was heading home from work at around 6am in the morning. Stopped at a 7-Eleven to cash in the ticket. Noticed some unsavory characters eyeing me after the clerk validated the ticket. Around 3 or so guys.
Immediately, my 6th sense kicked when the clerk offered to cash out the ticket and I told the clerk to cancel the validation. Made up a story about needing to go to the lottery headquarters with valid id to get my winnings. She saw the play and agreed and just said to me congrats.
Left the store, went home & slept. Later on in the daytime I returned to the store and waited until it was empty before asking to get the ticket cashed. You've got to always be on alert!
PS: Found out shortly thereafter that I could play online (Pick 3 & 4) and haven't looked back every since. Furthermore playing at the local store is a rip off imo anyays.