Always play numbers from your dreams. They usually only have one or two. Not a lot. I hope you dream of more and win !!
SC ONLY Combinations starting 5/21🔥🔥
richard gebhard nah dreams are for dreamers, results are for believer's
Well it was only one number. Plus it did hit. So whats the worst that could happen ?
richard gebhard
Hey Rich...waz up fam? Long time....
Yea that missed hit really did play a game on my mind for couple of days afterwards but eventually I got over it.
And for sure I will most definitely take your advice when it comes on to seeing numbers in dreams.
Now......if only I could just dream the 7 winning numbers for the elusive Lotto Max game here in Ontario.....
Yea....dreams may be for dreamers and nothing is wrong with that especially if the dream becomes a reality. Wouldn't you agree? I'd take the chance any day, all day on any numbers seen in a dream vs paying for numbers from some of these online scammers or so called psychics trying to get rich quick. Trust your own intuition my friend.
@mobile merchant#64950 you have a point
@mobile merchant#64949
Hey whats up brother !! Yes its actually been a long time for everyone in here. We wait so long for updates and i think everyone just goes about their own lives for awhile and then we come together as a family once again. I admire the ones that post predictions in here and hang tough !! I really hope we can win together and enjoy success. Nothing would make me happier !!
Chk this out do you like dem potatoes? LOL....
So I guess.....dreaming of winning the lottery and/or dreaming of numbers to play to win the lottery isn't a bad thing after all eh?
Just me clowning who likes a good laugh for a change.
No offense intended.
@mobile merchant#64972 lol, hell I'm still dreaming of winning the big ones , Stay Invested
pick34pitbull let's see what happens tonight with this list. Stay Invested
I had a dream last night about the number 1484. I placed a few bets here and there. ( fingers crossed )
richard gebhard Good Luck
pick34pitbull 6/30 4, 9, 25, 34, 35.
2874 came out. I hit at least 2 of them. lol Oh well
richard gebhard
Wanna hear something weird fam?
You are the 3rd person this week including myself who who has either missed a hit by 2 digits or missed it altogether. Lol
A friend of mine missed hitting his combo twice within 5 draws. The same combo (a double) played twice within 3 days. 1st played 088....second play 808.
I predicted 776 (6/30 mdd) 797 played.....
I played 767 (6/30 evd) 964 played.....
677 played (7/1 mdd) I didn't play! ️
@mobile merchant#65001 Thats pretty
One thing Ive gone back to are the daily emails from Lottodds and I've been winning on the doubles alerts. I hit 2 today and I'm playing NY on Friday. I havent had time to focus on the Trinity ones but there are a lot more of them than the doubles alerts. The doubles are so much easier to play though. Simply go with LWD
What i like about BAS is that they allow you to save a set of numbers and use them whenever you like. There is no need to add set after set of numbers like the old days. The list is already there. You just click it once to add.
richard gebhard
Good to see you are getting your coins with dem alerts fam. Sweet.
Hope you were able to snag a hit in NY on Friday 7/2/21.
Totally agree. Doubles are the bomb! Check out my thread under the Gen and Admin tab regarding "Doubles." I think it'll be something you would like.
Unfortunately, the BAS platform is not available for us lowly peasants up here in the North so I'm not able to capitalize on their options for Pick 3 players. There are three to four other online offerings out there I guess I could use but they don't tickle my fancy for one reason or another.
Unfortunately, as you may be aware, 5Dimes is on sabbatical from the N.A. markets.
In the meantime I just do the paper betting thing and when time allows I post the odd predictions in the forum for other members to benefit.
@mobile merchant#65007
richard gebhard
My bad. That posting is under the Pick 3 tab entitled Doubles....Doubles.