While preparing for the Pick4 lotto pool, I noticed that ONE of the following 1234patterns are about to hit with a SPIKE pattern.


1st Digit "5" and "6" are showing strong odds to hit when one of those 1234patterns hit.

    Take the following numbers and PASTE them in the prediction page then use the FILTERS to reduce them.

    WHEN one of these patterns hit 1,2-1,3-1,4 with 5 or 6 digit in the first number position with a SPIKE pattern hit, one of these numbers are GUARANTEED to be the winner.


    IF 5 is the first digit with 1,2 and SPIKE, it's GUARANTEED one of the following numbers will be the winning Pick4 number:


    IF 6 is the first digit with 1,2 and SPIKE, it's GUARANTEED one of the following numbers will be the winning Pick4 number:


      I filtered your numbers to the following:

      5069 5269 5562 5663 5672 5692 (In Lotto Pools this would be $12 investment to win $600)
      6079 6099 6279 6299 6563 6572 6592 6639 6673 6693 (In Lotto Pools this would be $20 investment to win $1000)

      Let's teamwork for the win 🤜 😃 🤝


      NOT $20 for one person. $20 spread among many members (10 members $2 each)

        PICK4 WINNER

        5452 11/27/2021 EVE HLHL OEOE LLLL IIIO SSSS OSOO 16 H7 H06 2,2

        bmehmet Hey Captain Sensei, If you add this filter called "KEY Digit" to the "Lottodds Filters" then we'll be able to reduce pick4 numbers and have the winning numbers still there and fewer number to play. "Key Digit" is a filter that means every number has that digit it it no matter what the postion and will reduce the number from #625 to #349 I can show you how it on how it works in a Zoomroom only take 5mins Let know I active the room and send a link.

        bmehmet David, it all balls down to what you always talked about....it's that lowest winning digit. And it really show and prove. 3, 4 and 5 rarely comes as the Lowest Winning Digit but when they do occur the lowest, so are the combinations to those particular groups. 0, 1 and 2 are the main groups although 3 does win as the LOWEST but and once you add the filters you will see. You just have to go back the Lowest winning digit. You will figure out the rest my friend because you always used it and now is the time. I monitor Va and it balls down to that. And I can show you

          bmehmet Take a good look at the Lowest Winning Digit in each of the drawings. 0669,2455,... You may not have to filter out the 1234 Patterns. We will even know which groups are the lowest winning digits because it's either 0, 1, or 2 that occurs the most as the Lowest Winning Digits for pick 4 games


          Post that. Currently, we are adding a new filter that will drastically reduce the numbers. I will make a video shortly.

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