David I appear to be locked out. I noticed when i didnt get my draw alerts. Please confirm. I am on a subscription that is auto-renewed thru paypal. So this should never happen.
@richard gebhard#67342
can you paste the PayPal payment ID number so I can check what’s happening
Transaction ID 9DP53601HH718910R
@richard gebhard#67346
All good Status: Active 03/08/2022 Type: Manual Comment: Manual
thank you. Is there a reason it does this from time to time ?
@richard gebhard#67358
Did you reactivate your account from this page? https://lottodds.com/profile/subscription
I was already activated and everything was fine . I just noticed i wasnt getting the alerts and notified you. I missed about 4 days worth of alerts. I just checked it and it was on and changes were saved by default.