Didn't have time to explain in detail but TN looks like its about to hit 2PairSums OO or EO....EO is the most OVERDUE. USE The following chart to choose your numbers. Could be LL/OO or LH/EO. ...(PS8+8PS2,2 tends to attach to LL/OO)
Do your research.
Eve winner 337 = PS9+8PS1,2+LH/EE
Still in play. This win pushed LL/OO up in probability. EO is still OVERDUE.
345- MORN = 7,9 LL/OO
345 02/15/2023 Morn LLH OEO CLL III SSS OSO 7 9 7 3,2 L1,1/M1,2/L1,1 12 L3 M2,1 L02 2,1
I played the EO ...and goin to play again, and again and again....lol 🙂
Again... 2/16 AM = 123 3,5 LL/OO
joez Congratulations on your hit this morning!
Great call! came out this morning. Congratulations to all who played it. When is the NEW 2PAIR SUMS FILTER GONNA BE READY David?****
We are working on it. Hopefully by next week now.