(1) Looks like the NJ lotto agency changed the Pick3 lotto ball machine on April 4th and it's spitting out back to back YELLOW and PINK PS patterns.

(2) looks like they may have used the SAME lotto ball machine between Feb 23 to Mar. 10th (2 weeks). They have multiple machines and they rotate them. And after a while, they change the lotto balls. Lottodds can detect when they change the machines or lotto balls. It can prepare you to play the known patterns with the machines. FOR EXAMPLE, this particular ball machine likes to spit out PS8 patterns back to back. THUS, you play PS8 patterns when you detect this machine change. You should COPY and PASTE these changes on a word document and label them Machine 1, Machine. 2, etc.

(3) Look at this lotto ball machine patterns. There are no YELLOW and only one(1) PINK pattern. BROWN and GREEN patterns dominate (About 2 week period).