bmehmet I was playing heavy 2 numbers but I couldn’t find MD in the platform
Hot Double Play Alert! - MD
bmehmet on of them 288
bmehmet what was the problem idk I missed over 30 thousand dollars
Were you able to play the State?
bmehmet I couldn’t find it for some reason
It's not there that's why I couldnt play
NM looks good for tonight
bmehmet david just checked out theirs no MD
Good reduction
freddieodesho MD is taken out because it’s an ez state to hit. And someone hit for over $10 mil couple year(s) back on 1010. Why they don’t offer MD. If possible go to MD to play physically, haha. Catch that way. I don’t even bother to look @ the data/pattern because I can’t play online.
hyper_one I just new that thks.