bmehmet ok there’s 2 ways you explain in the vedio either we isolate the dobbles & play combined winners or without isolation just play the default combine winner the numbers I chose with that pairsum 8/2.2 I chose 225,227 it was showing cause I isolated the dobbles but number 114 came out it was in default combine winner did you get it.

AMEN! Sensei 🙏 For All You doing,Thank You! By the way I will be giving a donation to St. Jude, Thanks!

    Hello bmehmet when trying to play the win 4 the numbers will not drop down under primary number area. It will show how many primary numbers like 1096 but the numbers will not drop down to see or copy them.

    David can you make a new video explain to us how to use the new test for Pick 3 that you did

    24 days later

    @bmehmet Thank you for that fix. I have another question when picking the numbers via Miss/Win. On some States the Miss numbers show flashing purple numbers and some States dont. North Carolina for the Missed numbers none are flashing purple so I am just a little confused should miss numbers have flashing purple numbers for the ones that are a possible hit or just the win numbers should have the flashing purple numbers for the possible hits.

    @bmehmet Another question on the miss numbers example 114 came out yesterday evening for NY but didn't show purple on the miss list. However, when you click on the drop down for previous numbers that were FSB, B, S it shows 114 FSB. Why 114 didn't show purple for the missed numbers out of the primary numbers but show FSB on in the drop down.

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