Purple color coding UPDATED 6-24-23 @ 2:37PM
(1) Overdue DOUBLE
(2) WIN numbers
(3) MISS numbers
=============================================== 12/3,3 113 (1)
11/1,3 449 (1)
10/3,2 112,119 (2)
10/2,3 115 (1)
9/3,3 668 (1)
9/2,1 669,778 (2)
9/1,2 448 (1)
8/2,2 118 (1)
7/3,2 445(1)
7/2,3 779 (1)
=============================================== 11/3,1 566 (1)
11/1,3 044 (1)
10/3,2 011 (1)
9/3,3 244,377,577 (3)
9/2,1 066,266 (2)
7/3,2 344 (1)
7/2,3 077,277,366 (3)
=============================================== 11/3,1 667 (1)
11/1,3 447 (1)
10/2,3 117 (1)
9/1,2 446 (1)
8/2,2 114,116 (2)
=============================================== 11/3,1 477,677 (2)
9/3,3 466 (1)
9/2,1 177 (1)
7/3,2 144 (1)
7/2,3 166 (1)
=============================================== DISCLAIMER My number posts are ONLY to be used as a guide to conduct your own number search on Lottodds. No one is to play the numbers and do so at their own risk. I take no responsibility for anyone's monetary loss if they play my posted numbers. These are HIGH PROBABILITY plays and may or may have NOT been reduced and can take more than one(1) draw to hit and NOT GUARANTEED WINS on the 1st draw but created to help you learn pattern setups, feature use and strategy creation.
This play is on fire. DOUBLE can hit any draw now if not next draw. MISS numbers also posted above.
Purple color coding UPDATED 6-24-23 https://forum.lottodds.com/d/9031-hot-double-play-alert-il-06-23-23
Ive been watching this for over a week now. Ill was the hottest state to play at one time because it was hitting doubles like crazy. Then of course when i start playing it hits the wall. So im steering clear.
@richard gebhard#77034
Every now and then a State will go about 2 weeks without a double hit. So watch out for that. But the majority of States will hit a double within 6 draws. Thus, you need to LIMIT your play. For example, 3 draw limit after a State has not hit a double in 6 draws then to the next state.
bmehmet Do you find that a lot of the doubles will be the same for all the states ? I just did a rundown on all the states and i am getting doubles from 24 to 30 numbers on average. I didnt trim any down yet.
@richard gebhard#77040
The MAJORITY of DOUBLES that hit in any State should be the following:
Notice how L1 pairs are color coding all the numbers PURPLE
bmehmet key 8 illinois double? 448,668 ,778,,118,811,686
bmehmet Its about time that state hit. I figured you might have that one. You are way more patient than I am. Your numbers were different than the ones i had for Ill ILL. 24 000,003,004,111,113,114,222,223,224,355,366,377,388,399,455,466,477,488,499,555,666,777,888,999
@richard gebhard#77060
Patience is playing only 1 of the 4 PAIRS for a huge win.
@richard gebhard#77060 I had 38# from Dave forgot to box play straight only "191" smh 113,449,112,119,115,668,669,778,448,118,445,779, 566,044,011,244,377,577,066,266,344,077,277,366,667,447,117,446,114,116,477,677,466,177,144,166
Hey Deeluv would love to get into your group.