bmehmet David some people have no intergerity you notice that you only seen his finially result but never broke down how was doing using lottodds & I blew him up that's why he's calls himself insulting me lol "sticks and stones" but I showed over 90% of my video especically for a contest the should be a video showing step by step that you used your system to get the results your not in partnership with this other website that's your competition and I promote only "Lottodds" and when I win using your system that's when I make a video showing how it was done but I also using other system and don't mention my wins from it so for the cheater to say that I can't beat him lol I can you anytime sun using "Lottodds" only my skillz are better than yours you can hit a pick 4 I've gotten way more paper then you Sun lmbo get life cheater (No Shame) smhnd! Now let's move on to making money and might I give you a suggestion David wheh having the next contest just all those that say the won using lottodds must show how it was done and you be the Judge whether it's was actually done using your system because the other system that I seen has a lot of similar filters and many others tools and has been around for sometime. Good luck!