Someone in FL won the Billion dollar prize.
I have been working on an idea how to predict Megamillions and Powerball by using Pick3. Powerball is over $100M. Im going to test my theory out for this Saturday’s drawing and see what the result is. I’ll post it here.
The last test I did on Megamillions, it was successful and predicted 3 numbers of Megamillion in under 200 numbers. The next step will be implement a Pick2+Pick3 strategy to grab total COMBINATIONS that will produce the Megamillion and Powerball winners within a few thousand numbers. For example, 10,000 like Pick4 or less. And even less with reduction.
IF the 2nd test on Powerball is a success, I will code an AUTO-PREDICTION tool for Megamillion and Powerball. And start a lotto pool. We can win it multiple times BUT we need lots of players to win.