Used the same principles as the P3 here on LOdds.
DC prediction in yellow
01166 01167 01168 01188 01225 01227 01245 01255 01256 01257 01258 01277 01278 01366 01367 01368 01488 01567 01588 01677 01678 03344 03345 03346 03355 03356 12234 12235 12237 12267 12334 12335 12336 12337 12366 12367 12445 12455 12456 12457 12556 12557 12577 37778 37779 37799 46889 (47)
**DC 8/16 EVE 01567** .......
joez 01245 8/19 eve
00015 00016 00018 00035 00125 00126 00127 00178 00245 00269 00288 00289 00378 00469 00488 00489 00578 00688 00689 00699 00788 00789 02233 02234 02235 02236 02334 02336 02445 06679 06699 06889 08889 11334 11335 11336 11688 13334 13335 13336 13345 13444 17789 17899 22334 22336 22445 26679 26889 28889 37789 37888 37899 37999 46679 46699 46889
ahhhhhh DANG! Missed it with the that string of 2s !!!!!!
Does anyone know how the 8 pair sums were made? The 1,1 1,2 2,1
joez Hi Joez, I have notes on the 8 pair sums. What’s your email address?
Think that would be a BIG help with this!!
GA 05666 05667 05668 05669 05688 05689 06677 06678 06679 15567 15568 15569 15589 16778 16779 24479 24499 25667 25668 25669 25688 25689 25699 26677 26678 26679 35566 35567 35568 35569 35589 35889 35899 36899 44479 45778 45779 45788 45789
joez Awesome, congratulations!!!
joez Nice win!! 😄 When you do the work order for pick 5 are they good for all states or just one?
High Quad PS in front plus the front quad 64 PS hit 1x AB, x2 BC....woooo stoked!!!!
yes! more to come!
joez following!!!
Received! And THANK YOU ! Goin to be revising the sheets with the 8 PS for the quads !!!!! Then again Im goin to have to google how to have excel count the 1s on the left and right!?!?!
I have tried to search the forum numerous times but I guess I missed it....
joez email sent!
I wish i knew excel too. It keeps all the numbers arranged perfectly. Nice job Joe !! Keep it up brother !!
Definitely ALOT more choices!!!