New calculation...The 7, 8, and 9 Group is 134 combinations total. Sorry about that. But that is low
Testing Auto-Predict - GA NJ - 03-10-24
If we only focus on doubles!!! Imagine
Ok. Va night drawing was 483...if you been following me, 7, 8, and 9 was still in effect. I was wrong about the lowest but precisely right about the 8 showing. In which I felt comfortable with playing only from the 8. But what I been saying was that the 7, 8, and 9 Group was going to show up again. And there's a reason why. My next video I will be explaining why. The win streak is crazy for 134 combinations. 3, 4, has a winning streak of being the Lowest winning digit for 2 or 3 drawings straight. But I felt that the 8 would be the Highest winning digit for Va night because 971 was drawn last night. Knowing that it would have be only these for a BIG wager...
Charles, I'm curious, why would you even consider the 7 PS because the 10-1.1 hits on average 7.5 times per day since March 1. I am pretty sure the 7 hits less. But i havent done the research on it.
The 8-9 ps have averaged 33 wins per day since March 1. Would your numbers be less if you just went with 8-9 ?
But in actually the 7, 8, and 9 Group has two separate groups. 7, 8, and 9 Low 0, 1, and 2, and 7, 8, and 9 High 3, 4, and up. The Lows to 7, 8, and 9 has 73 total combinations. And the Highs to 7, 8, and 9 has only 63 total combinations. They can be strategized but playing the Low Group or the High Group. But there's a chart I found online that says a lot about why 7, 8, and 9 has the Best winning streak out of all the pick 3 numbers. And I will be explaining it in my video tomorrow. And you all may have seen this chart online and didn't really understand what it was saying.
@richard gebhard#80397 I'm not talking about the PS Sums. I'm talking 7, 8 and 9 as individual numbers. Sorry about that. I will be making a video explaining more and why those number are the best to always play. You will understand, trust me.
Please keep in mind that this is not about the PS Sums. This is about the Highest Winning Digits
charlesmason oh ok i gotcha. I am curious though why you chose the HWD. I have a list for the LWD which i think hit more. I actually used to use them and play them against the Lottodds daily charts that come out for doubles in my email twice a day. If a single came out with the digits 0-1-2-3, it was a guaranteed winner. I havent used it in a long time.
charlesmason Ok i follow you now. I look forward to the video. Nice work !!
@richard gebhard#80401 The reason I follow the highest winning digits is because they have less combinations. And what I am going to show you will help us all see. And only the secret is hidden with-in the Sum Chart I will be showing. It will give you goose bumps because you will most certainly see for your very own eyes why the numbers 7, 8 and 9 are supreme numbers. And this particular Sum Chart reveal the Big Secret.
charlesmason where you posting the video youtube?
The problem is when they dont hit, we lose money. If we lost only 3 draws per 60 draws then that would make sense because the profit would cover the losses.
I have an idea how to use the 2PSum to reduce the numbers without removing the winner. And if patterns repeat, it would only be 1-2 times in 60 draws if any at all. I would need to code a new filter to make this happen.
Keep those numbers in these states and see if they come.
888 488 688 788 348 368 448 458 468 668 778 378 388 478 578 588 678 338 358 558 568
charlesmason for those numbers the only states due are
ooooo I just mentioned HWD in a video.
I do think that 7,8,9 don’t get the attention they deserve. The talk is always 0-3. But if you reduce that to 0-2…so it’s an even fight. 7-9 holds its place well.
I know David is busy with all the great lotto pool stuff and a new baby (congrats, God bless)
later I’ll do a breakdown of a few things that would be super beneficial for us all! regarding the drop down on the default page. I call it the “playground” (think I heard someone eles say that lol) if HWD was added next to LWD would be great…being able to pick any digit for the HWD, just like we can now with the LWD.
also….if there was another dropdown for “ANY” digit. That would be great to isolate say 3 keys, or whatever a person wants to isolate. Not just LWD/HWD.
then one more….a drop down “PAIRS”
have all the boxed pairs, so a person could click and isolate say 6 boxed pairs and have it reflect in the actual play ground area.
maybe at some point David could consider these things.
Picasso could paint the perfect picture and people still ask him to change it. I don't get it.
$money$ me either. People just want to go against the grain instead of with the data
Thinking goblin meant isolating keys/pairs. On the prediction page.