• Tutorials
  • How to Use Auto-Predict to Improve Your Pick3 Strategy


Yes. The Auto-Predict feature will display all numbers as seen in the video and threre will be a copy button.


Yeah, it's NOT that simple. What they will findout is doing it that way will result in a lot of MISSES which will result in a LOSS at the end. Remember, anything above 150 numbers is a LOSS. Anything under is profit BUT done the wrong way can result in huge losses.

The method explained in the above video is for single pattern plays NOT multiple draw plays (Daily/Monthly).

bmehmet so combining L1 default and M3C I thought it was suppose to give less numbers while having the winner but if you turn all the buttons on it shows all 220 numbers.. Is that how the buttons suppose to work or am I doing it wrong?


Then it's working perfectly. If there was any numbers missing I would be worried. I know you are trying to figure out how AUTO-PREDICT works but that is a trade secrete. We will NOT be disclosing how it works. In fact, we have encrypted the code with AES 256-bit encryption

bmehmet I'm not going to lie I was really trying to figure that puzzle out, but I'll stop now ha

bmehmet any update on using auto-predict for local state play, with break even 80 numbers?


We often get the numbers down to 121 which means profit first draw. We will work on getting them down further after the launch.


    Not yet. We are looking at an April launch because TESTING will be needed to ensure consistent profit.

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