• Tutorials
  • How Auto-Predict Can Make Unlimited Profit

Keep in mind, even if you TURN ON one or more PATTERNS Auto-Predict TURNS OFF, the profit can cover the cost. FOR EXAMPLE, if you turn on CCC, it takes the COST to $1,601.25 which allows you to grab more DOUBLE wins. BACK TEST before you play for real. And you will be winning throughout the day so you don't actually need $1,601.25 to invest for the DAY PLAY.

bmehmet Soo since you decided to make everything simple and not use the HIT/MISS WIN buttons did you change the way auto predict works or has it always worked that way? is there still going to be a drop down of the play cards or are you getting rid of that? In past post looked like you were getting the numbers down to 162 sometimes even lower now looks like the low is 170-180's. Idk just seems like now you showed the strategy of auto-predict it was different then I pictured it.


You can take the numbers down further. Hint: Look for a pattern that does not hit often like the patterns Auto-Predict turns off by default.

bmehmet how do we get the #'s down below 80 to play in local state lottery? (Not online)


If you use the filters yourself, it is so simple to get the numbers even lower than 80.

Watch this video. Pay attention how the 5 COLORS have few numbers from 23 and under. Now look at the chart for your State. Can you see a color or two that are overdue to hit. Well, you can play that COLOR for multiple draws and still profit in your state.

PINK, BROWN, GREEN hit the most and dominate winners.



bmehmet pink, brow and green dominate, is that because pink brown and green have more numbers than the other colors? If so, that would make sense why they are dominating. Does each color have the exact same amount of numbers if played on their own individually?


Yes they have more numbers.

When Auto-Predict is launched this week, use this strategy to win Pick3 easy

bmehmet I noticed your history page displayed in the video has the numbers listed in chronological order.....example your AZ 257 while mine showed 725. I guess this will change with new update

Make both history and prediction pages default to LWD.

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