We ALL need to work TOGETHER to win multiple Pick4 lotto pools and we will. As CAPTAIN of the lotto pools, I will guide ALL members on which lotto pools have the highest chance to win and I will HIGHLIGHT in GREEN the numbers that will GUARANTEE a Pick4 win and which members should purchase so we work together (As more lotto pools are added in the future, additional CAPTAINS will be assigned to guide members to which numbers they need to purchase via a highlighted GREEN number feature).
Members will then have free will to (1) Choose which lotto pool to play in and (2) choose which GREEN highlighted numbers to play. And they will be given powerful FILTERS to help them reduce the GREEN numbers.
IT is GUARANTEED that IF a member chooses the correct lotto pool to play in, the winning PICK4 number will be one of the GREEN numbers. The good news is that a member can play ONE or ALL the lotto pools. THUS, with enough members filling up the lotto pools, a member can play ALL the lotto pools and win PICK4 multiple times per week for $10,000 Prize!
When we are about to launch Pick4 lotto pool next week, I will make a TUTORIAL video showing everyone how we need to work together.
I will make weekly PREDICTION videos GUIDING members which lotto pool(s) they should play in and show them which numbers they need to purchase by HIGHLIGHTING the numbers in GREEN to GUARANTEE a Pick4 win....IF everyone works TOGETHER, and with enough members participating, I GUARANTEE that we will win PICK4 $10,000 prize multiple times per week. AND I will show you EXACTLY how we will win in a tutorial video. In the FUTURE, after we added multiple State lotteries, we will SHOP for the best PLAY SETUP each day and have members focus their play on that State. This will also spread out the wins to prevent lotto agencies from changing rules to prevent our many wins.