Looks like we will be launching the $10,000 Pick4 lotto pool next week. We are still tweaking it but we are almost done.
COMBINE WINNERS + PREDICTED NUMBERS: One of the awesome feature we will be giving you is the ability to COMBINE the GREEN predicted numbers I post each day with the PURPLE COMBINE WINNERS feature which allows both colors to OVERLAP each other and FLASH PURPLE. THIS feature is so vital because of the following:
(1) The Pick4 COMBINE WINNERS feature combines 4 past winners and regularly produces a group of numbers that contains the next winner. These numbers will be displayed in PURPLE color in the lotto pool.
(2) The DAILY PREDICTED NUMBERS I post in the lotto pools GUARANTEES that the winning Pick4 number will be one of the GREEN colored numbers.
(3) NOW, IF the PURPLE number contains the next winning Pick4 number. And the GREEN numbers GUARANTEE one of them will be the winning Pick4 number. THEREFORE, any PURPLE and GREEN numbers overlapping each other tells you those are the numbers to play first because the Pick4 winner will be one of those overlapping numbers that will be flashing PURPLE.
(4) Since it is your job to (a) choose which lotto pool to play and (b) choose which GREEN number(s) to purchase, this overlapping feature flashing PURPLE is going to be a vital tool in helping you catch multiple Pick4 winners by playing a few numbers.