Good morning David, I cleared my cache, used another browser and using the link I am redirected to the Paypal page through the lottodds. i submit payment and I am getting the screen " Subscription has been successfully activated". I think the challenge is on your side.


Your payment was refunded again.

Your payment was sent to the wrong Lottodds email again ( You need to use the subscription page to activate your account and send the payment to the correct email or the program will not know which account to credit and your account will be suspended every month.

As for the subscription button, you need to give it time to appear after expiration date. It should be there now.

    Good copy David however the subscription button still does not appear..I am using the link you provided.



    Could be a cache issue. Clear your cache

      Hi David I cleared my cache and waited 15 mins after still no go on the
      subscription page my friend..any other suggestions


      then Im not sure what is going on and I have no time to dig deeper into the code. I'll manually activate you for 1 month just for your troubles.

        Thank you David..greatly appreciate it my friend.


        6 days later

        hey David my account is not active as of 4/12/2023 at this time its asking me to subscribe 9.95 I'm on auto payment monthly can you activate my account asap or let me know if need to update with a new card. Thank you

          hey David i think i found the issue i just update my account with my other card so hopefully this will go through tomorrow 4/13/2023 for me to activate.

          hey David I'm still lock out I can't get pass the subscription I change cards, change password, not sure what to do at this time. I'm still having no luck, couple time it said you successfully completed but the prediction page don't open. it go right back to subscribe $9.95

          Hey David I'm back in i just went back to reloading card to it's original,it work sorry for my panic!

          21 days later

          Good day David, can you please activate my account. Unfortunately as before
          my page does not have payment on/off option that you provide via the link even when cache is cleared as suggested. Below is the payment transaction I just successfully completed for May 20223
          Transaction ID


          You have been issued a refund. You sent it to the wrong email. You need to send it to I'll look deeper after my vacation.

          Thank you for the continued support. I resent the activation payment to you for All the hard work you continue to do. Here is the new payment transaction info.
          Transaction ID


          Status: Active 06/06/2023
          Type: Manual

          All good....I have to find time to figure out what is going on with your account not auto-updating each month. It's not an easy task. Got to go over multiple scenarios.

          I understand its not easy figuring that scenario out as I seem to be the only any event I am happy David!!