I came up with a better Lotto Pool layout that incorporates the Powerful Pick3 strategy here: https://forum.lottodds.com/d/9625-powerful-pick3-strategy.
There will be four(4) lotto pools. Each will produce multiple winners per week. Each lotto pool has it's own payout. This is important so members are able to see good profits on their plays. Because there will be few numbers in each lotto pool, members will be able to cover ALL the numbers and still profit. The numbers on the lotto pool change each time a Pairsums pattern wins.
Going to finish setting up the layout and then start testing it with small plays.
My tests so far have proven successful. And wins can be very huge. For example, look at this calendar. Notice the R3 digits that won (1,3 - 2,3 - 3,3). They are are hitting every week. BUT look at the chart below labeled RL3. There are very few numbers in that lotto pool. THUS, the wins can be very large.
Wins are made when that PS pattern hits PLUS the winner is a purple number under the HIT/MISS column on the prediction page